+ Moru's journal +
I do not know how long this journal will last.... I just want a good distraction from my job hehe.
Will vent about day to day life here and other thoughts.
Will vent about day to day life here and other thoughts.
DATE: 14-03-2025, 16:37
MOOD: fine LOCATION: my bed LISTENING TO: Drew Gooden EATING: nothing moru
ENTRY 6# - I fell off my bike and had to catch an ambulance
Yeahhh sooo uhm... Before yesterday I was driving to work on my Ebike and went on a different route from my usual one. It had rained a lot the day before and I was fully aware the roads where more slippery, but the road I decided to go through apperantly was even worse because of gasoline spills - which I didn't know... So even as I tried to be careful I was going downhill and slipped on a curve then hit my face straight on the asphalt. I saw my bike flying, felt my tooth broken, saw blood everywhere and screamed for help until a lady passed by and called an ambulance. I thought I had broken bones and broken my nose, thankfully I only broke a tooth and got some gashes on my face. People helping where super nice and I was calm pretty quickly. I later got 5 stitches at the hospital, 2 inside my mouth and 3 outside. Now my face is all swollen augh. Will be on work leave til saturday. Never going down that road again lololol |
DATE: 08-02-2025, 20:47
MOOD: sleepy LOCATION: my room LISTENING TO: Ruprecht 4500 - Sankt Nimmerleinstag EATING: nothing moru
ENTRY 5# - Tired
Been so exhausted lately, not too sure what the cause of it is. As friends of mine know I have a selective eating disorder, and while I have days where I eat pretty ok, there are times where I'm more sensitive. I guess I'm in one of those pesky waves cause I've been barely eating any real food other than my comfort foods, which are not nutricious in any way. So.... I think I'm tired cause I've been eating like shit. Also last week I spent like 4 afternoons remodeling my room. It was worth it tho, I got a 43" tv to connect to my pc and watch youtube. Also three new furniture pieces to help contain all my stuff. It feels way more organized now. But yeah... Because of my tiredness I haven't really been doing much lately - no music, no site updates, no doom mapping, no nothing. Will see if getting on multivitamins will help. Other than general exhaustion I've been doing pretty normal. |
DATE: 26-01-2025, 16:47
MOOD: happy, hungry LOCATION: my room LISTENING TO: nothing EATING: nothing moru
ENTRY 4# - Live synth jamming vs DAW midi automation
For those who don't know, recently I got a studio setup in my room.
Since I got a job now and can afford my stupid ideas I bought: - an audio interface; - a Behringer RD-9; - a Behringer TD-3-AM Yellow; - an Arturia Keylab Essential 49key midi controller; - ...and an Arturia Microfreak. I've been composing stuff on fl studio for a while now (although I barely post anything I make) so my logical next step was to set up midi with all my synths and stuff and compose stuff with them on FL Studio.... But honestly I've learnt that I enjoy live jamming wayyyyy more than composing stuff. It always sounds better and is 10 times less frustrating. OH well. Guess I'm gonna try to do my tracks now live instead of automated. Let's see what I'll make... |
DATE: 25-01-2025, 14:26
MOOD: happy, bored LOCATION: my workplace LISTENING TO: nothing EATING: pistachios moru
ENTRY 3# - Very happy with this site so far
Been redoing some pages like the about.html and I feel like the aesthetic is really coming together. IDK where my sudden motivation for this sparked but it keeps me busy at my job lol.
This site is going to be a complete manifestation of my uncontrollable train of thought and thousand microhobbies. Also update [REDACTED]. |
DATE: 22-01-2025, 15:15
MOOD: Anxious, pissed LOCATION: my workplace LISTENING TO: nothing EATING: nothing moru
ENTRY 2# - Some people are just rotten
Breaching my privacy is kinda weird ngl. |
DATE: 20-01-2025, 19:00
MOOD: Neutral LOCATION: my bf's house LISTENING TO: Evilfeast - Elegies of the Stellar Wind EATING: nothing moru
ENTRY 1# - Start of this journal thing....
Largely just testing this. Don't have much to say today. Chilling with my bf.